Struggling with French grammar? Learning French makes your children feel frustrated? I'm here to help you! J'aimerais vous aider et retrouver du plaisir à apprendre le français:)

SEI provides IT solutions like CloudSoft CRM, VoIP, IVR system, these kinds of projects will be funded by Technology Voucher Programme (科技券), for more details, please visit

•由 譚家恩 Janice Tam, 澳洲言語病理學家 (言語治療師) Speech-Language Pathologist, Australia,親自處理及督導。•*****服務對像******語言發展遲緩。發音障礙。專注力失調。口部肌肉發展遲緩。社交溝通障礙。整體發展遲緩。認知困難。自閉症。過度活躍症。亞氏保加症。偏食/營養不良。吞嚥及餵食困難。語言流暢度(口吃) 。大小肌肉協調障礙

Upgrade your knowledge with the Skopoz PMP® Training in Kuala Lumpur. PMP® course is universally perceived proficient training offered by the Project Management Institute

We aim to offer comprehensive internet marketing services to both advertisers and publishers via our multiple marketing solutions.

普通話一級乙等,教授中文作爲第二語言課程、普通話。I teach people who learn Chinese as a foreign language and mandarin lessons for people who want to improve mandarin.
j教學進修 / 語言課程jacquelinewan

Experienced Native female Japanese tutor is available for someone who wants to brush up your listening and conversation skill

Asia Golf Academy / Golf Coaching / Golf Training / Golf Swing Training Course 高爾夫揮桿訓練班
A運動及健身 / 球類運動AsiaGolfAcademy

我們擁有全港最大規模的行為治療中心,提供專業寄養訓練、上門犬隻訓練和住宿等,為狗主解決飼養犬隻問題,灌輸正確與狗共處的方法。所有課程均經過專業導師訂造,因應犬隻不同性格,採用最簡易合適安全之方法訓犬。 過往的一般上門犬隻訓練,是為狗主解決飼養犬隻問題, 而針對一些缺乏社交活動的犬隻,對外界接觸少而產生的問題,往往是一般上門訓練,未能徹底改善的。正因如此,本學堂導師精心設計一系列針對不同問題犬隻的寄

The Premier Personal Training and Golf Performance Studio in Hong Kong
M運動及健身 / 場地出租Maximus Studio Limited

20年零售商業廣告設計經驗累積,專業設計各種logo、海報、請帖、傳單.....等 / Email: [email protected]
設計 / 平面設計Derek Yau Design Solutions Co.

25人課室,旺角課室,太子課室,晚上及weekend可長租,另有合租辦公辦,shared office, open office, meeting room

Language Project HK 是一間專業盡責的語言服務公司, 致力提供各類中英翻譯丶撰稿丶編輯丶校對和傳譯服務, 我們提供彈性丶可靠和收費合理的優質語言服務。不設最低收費,更保證不會外發
L商業 / 翻譯Langauge Project HK

Hong Kong industrial design solutions specialist
j商業 / 商業優惠jebcustomprojects

Learn Thai Language, Culture, Lifestyle for relocation, business, interest or tourism 單對單: 粵語/普通話/英文教泰語 :$200 per hour ($2000 for 10 hr lessons) + 1hr lesson free 粵語/普通話/英文教泰語 :$300 per 1.5hour($
教學進修 / 語言課程languagExpertHK
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